There is little to do… fashions are also very important in food. And this unfortunately makes for similar flavors that you can find in places that are also very different from each other. We, on the other hand, want you to live an authentic gastronomic experience and, therefore, we want you to know the typicality of our flavors.
That’s why we decided to open our restaurant, we made it one of the most beautiful in Vasto and, above all, we decided to dedicate it to local flavors. Those of yesteryear, with traditional recipes, and the most modern, but in any case with ways of cooking and flavors that refer to our tradition and that you will not be able to find anywhere else.
First of all, you should know that the Costa dei Trabocchi is such because it has always had a “difficult” relationship with its sea. The Trabocchi are like a hand that reaches out from the ground to catch whatever washes up on the shore. For this reason, seafood is a cuisine based on small fish, poor fish, cooked in soup (the famous brodetto, but not only) and usually accompanied by seasonal vegetables.
The traditional cuisine is that of the garden and preserves. Sweet peppers that, fresh or dried, are the main seasoning of many dishes. From the pig that is killed once a year (and sausages and ventricina are made for the coming months) and from the passing sheep with the shepherds who traveled the Tratturo Magno on their transhumance. The cooking, then, are the quick ones made directly at home, or in olive oil which, together with wine, has always constituted the largest agricultural production and the only one that has always also been exported.
And we have dedicated special attention to wine. We decided to directly produce the three main wines today representative of our territory: Montepulciano, Cerasuolo and Pecorino. We have also selected the best producers in the area, to offer you the excellent products of the Vasto area and beyond in our cellar.
Find all the information about our gastronomic offer in Vasto and beyond on our website
BEST VASTO srls | Garibaldi 135 – Vasto (CH) | P.iva: 02624430696
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