A good breakfast is the best way to start the day, and at Best Vasto, we go above and beyond to offer you what you prefer and even something extra that you didn’t expect!
You can choose from our rich buffet or sit down in our dining room or terrace and order exactly what you desire. It is our pleasure to serve you at the table to ensure you have the utmost relaxation.
We prepare hot beverages on the spot with freshly ground coffee and whole fresh milk. We also offer options for those who prefer lactose-free or soy milk. We have a wide selection of teas, and for those who want to maintain their zen spirit, we offer decaffeinated coffee, barley, and ginseng.
For those who love good and healthy things, we offer a wide selection of natural and fruit yogurts to be paired with cereal flakes, muesli, and cornflakes. And for your vitamins, we have orange juice, blood orange juice, ACE (a mix of orange, carrot, and lemon), pineapple juice, or fresh seasonal fruit sourced from local markets, which we prepare for you every morning.
If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll love our freshly baked croissants. We have plain croissants as well as ones filled with cream, jam, or chocolate. If you prefer a slice of cake, we offer a variety of homemade treats such as fruit tarts, chocolate cakes, and sponge cakes. You can also enjoy toasted bread with butter and jam or our personally selected honey from the Abruzzo mountains. However, if you want an unforgettable breakfast, this is the perfect time to indulge in a delicious almond-filled bocconotto, a taralluccio filled with grape jam, or a mostacciolo from our selection of traditional local sweets.
Do you want a boost of energy for the whole day? Try our savory breakfast: our highly appreciated made-to-order toast or a platter of cured meats and cheeses, accompanied by tomatoes and cucumbers. Alternatively, you can choose scrambled eggs and bacon, to be enjoyed with freshly toasted bread.
BEST VASTO srls | C.so Garibaldi 135 – Vasto (CH) | P.iva: 02624430696
Copyright Best Vasto© 2023 | Web design by Migliorare Online.
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